Today is another day. We shall see what it brings. I also figured out the food services plot. They burn your taste buds off with the amount of salt that is in the food. Then you can't taste anymore. Very sneaky.
On life's journey
Faith is nourishment,
Virtuous deeds are a shelter,
Wisdom is the light by day
and Right mindfulness is the protection by night.
If a man lives a pure life nothing can destroy him;
If he has conquered greed nothing can limit his freedom.
Why does the heart rate decelerate so much? Are you a pro at all the medical terminology now? See if they will give you an associates degree by the time the girls get will have earned it!
t's an indication of cord entanglement. Not the news I wanted to hear because too many decels. and I have an emergency C-Section..Yuck! But after the dr. on call reviewed the heart rates again it looks as though the monitor MAY have picked up my heartrate momentarily. Lets hope so. I am going to see if I can get an honorary RN degree out of all this stuff. I think I suprise them by knowing too much at times! :)
I was fussed at alot during my baby stress tests. I would click the button like crazy and was always clicking when she had the hiccups. How was I supposed to know the difference between real movement and movement due to hiccups!
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